Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Lately, I've been motivated to crochet again. This is partly because I really do want to get rid of my yarn so I can buy new, and partly because it seems like everyone I know is having kids right now, and I love making stuff for babies. Lucky for me, I have know lots of people who have babies for whom I can make things. Unfortunately, I don't have the kind of time I used to, so I can't make blankets for everyone like I did once upon a time.
Now, I mostly make hats.  I started with this pattern, which is easy to remember and simple enough to work for boys or girls:

Sorry all the pictures are sideways.  I blame the Iphone.   Anyway, I made a few like that, and then I got tired of that pattern over and over and over, so I did some hunting and found another simple pattern.  I used it to make these for some twin boys who are due in a few months. 

Of course, sometimes I get ambitious and I go back to making slightly larger projects. I made this for my cousin's daughter, who is due next month.

My best time to crochet is actually bath time when I do Ela's bedtime routine.  She plays in the bath, I crochet and talk to her about her games.  I like to watch her play, but it's more fun when I have something to do with my hands, and crocheting doesn't require my full mental attention.  I only get a few rows in a night, and I'm not always on Ela duty anyway, but I'm plowing through the gifts for my friends, and I have a few other projects I'd like to work on, too.  It's fun to have time for it again. 
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1 comment:

Mrs. said...

lovely!! i need to get in the groove again! I am knitting a sweater for Phoebe that would be great for the fall....if I ever get there! :)