Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The End of Vacation: Auckland

By the time we arrived in Auckland, Zack and I were "all vacationed out" as he put it. He was thinking about work again, and neither of us was sure that we really wanted our two extra days in the city. But there we were, so we tried not to waste them. Yet, somehow, we managed to leave without getting a single picture of the city. Sorry about that.
Our first morning in Auckland was filled with the process of getting off the ship, finding our hotel, and getting settled in there. Then we caught a cab back into town and did a self-guided walking tour of the downtown area, during which we managed to find the Victoria Market and do some last minute shopping. We had dinner at a Mexican Restaurant downtown (Zack was going through withdrawal) and then headed back to the hotel to call it an early night.
The next day we slept in. Our theory was that we'd be up before the crack of dawn the next day to catch a plane, and Zack was back at work the day after that, so it was our last chance to get a nice long sleep. Having accomplished this, we set out for the Domain: a park in downtown Auckland that contains lots of nice places to sit and read, and a museum that was supposed to be both free and excellent according to our guidebook. The park was quite lovely. We sat, read, fed some birds and then headed over to the museum. It turned out to be excellent, but not free. They had exhibits on the native Maoris, the history of New Zealand, animals, and an entire floor devoted to the wars in which the people of New Zealand have fought. It was very interesting stuff. By the time we left the museum, it was time to seek some dinner, so we wandered back into downtown, ate and then returned once again to the hotel to see if it was possible to make all our stuff fit into our suitcases.
The day after that, we were back on a plane heading into the Northern Hemisphere and life as usual. It was a great trip, but it was time to go home.

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