Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Tradition

Zack and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day since we've got an anniversary four days later. However, Ela's grandparents have been vigilantly making sure that the holiday is not completely forgotten in our house. This year, the Ortman grandparents got her an adorable stuffed tiger, which she was allowed to open early so they could see her do it, and some wonderful Swedish cookies, which she's been requesting for dessert every night (she calls them "green cookie" because they have green sprinkles on the top). And every year, I look forward to my Valentine's Day present from my dad: candy from Lagomarcino's. We've been friends with the Lagomarcino family since I was little, and their candy is excellent. Last year and this year, Ela got a little gift from Grandpa and the Lagomarcino's as well. When the box came this year, it was all I could do to not open it immediately, so I was proud that we managed to get dressed today before I pulled out the presents to open. :-)

Ela, to my great surprise, suddenly took an interest in opening presents, so we had a lot of fun finding out what Grandpa got her this year:

She needed some help getting the paper open, but then...

I think she would have been delighted just to get the box!

So we opened that up...

...and found...

...an even prettier box! Yay!

The packaging material was a fun toy, too.
Then we opened the pretty box (she hasn't figured out how to work the latch by herself yet).

And found candy! The smell of it got Dory's attention. I let Ela have a piece before we put it away. She would have liked to have a bit more. Now she's enjoying putting the wrapping material in and out of her new box. Thanks very much, Grandpa!
May be next year I'll really get moving and remember to do some Valentines for the family in return.

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