Monday, March 23, 2009

Things I Like

Babies "need" a lot of stuff, or more accurately, Mom's need a lot of stuff to help them with babies. I agonized over the long list of things that people told me I HAD to have to help us with our new baby. One thing I'm really glad we got: the swing. It's one of the few places she'll sit that isn't on me. So I thought I'd upload a video of the swing just to see how the uploading video process works...


erica said...

Hey, we have that swing, too! We didn't get it until Kent was about 2 months old, and at that point, he would sit in it for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. He never fell asleep in it like some people promised me he would, but it was still nice to have it around! Glad Ela is making use of hers. =)

You guys sound happy. It's good to hear your voices!

erica said...

Also, Kent has watched this video three times now, and he keeps saying "More!" at the end. =)

Larissa said...

I love when I wake up and see that you've posted! Neither of my kids loved the swing like that. Noah at 8 months old still whines if I'm not holding him, maybe that's why he isn't crawling yet.

Cady said...

She is so beautiful! You all look so great! Congratulations!!! I cannot wait to meet her someday in person! I think of you both often and hope things are going well for you!!


Mrs. said...

for month 2 and 3 the swing is the only place P would sleep during the day...we used it so much the motor ran out...of course it was second (or third) hand so who knows how many hours that swing swung!