Saturday, July 19, 2008

We're baaack...

So the trip to Tokyo was fantastic, not least of all because I successfully spent four days with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law without spilling a very big secret. When we met up with Zack in Tokyo, we got to tell them together (and his Dad, over the phone) that I'm pregnant! It was a lot of fun to share. And now that the family has all been notified, I'm sharing with the world. Our first child is due on March 3rd, which is girl's day in Japan. (I know I told some people it was February, but after my doctor's appointment, they adjusted the date to match how big the baby is.) We're all super excited, of course.
The first question everyone asks is how am I feeling, and before the Tokyo trip my answer was always "Tired and hungry, but fine." I had a couple days on the trip where hungry was replaced by "unable to eat." But so far I've really been feeling pretty good. I've become a much pickier eater in the last week or so, but I'm still relatively functional. I am however, considering adding an afternoon nap to my schedule now that my family has left and I'm not a tour guide.
It was my intention to post the ultrasound pictures, but I've changed my mind for two reasons: 1) Honestly, it doesn't look like anything at all, unless you're an expert ultrasound reader. 2) We had a storm come through a few nights ago, and it knocked out the internet at my house, so I'm doing all my internet stuff (for now) at base. Yesterday was a Japanese holiday, so I couldn't do anything about it until today, and then this morning is busy, so I'll be heading over to get someone to come fix it, and hopefully I'll be back at home in a few days. Instead of an ultrasound picture, I'll post a nifty little ticker thing I stole from Riss.
So pictures of Tokyo are soon to come. And of course we'll keep you posted on the baby stuff.


Larissa said...

I'm soooo excited! Congrats you guys!

Tucker said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm so very excited for you guys!! Congratulations! You'll have to let me know if Japanese women are as bad as American women at walking up to you and telling you all about their birth stories and giving you unsolicited advice! hehehe. The ticker is awesome, yet scary. When ours dropped to 99 days, Don and I looked at each other like, holy crap, this is actually happening. LOL!

Alice said...

Congrats! That's so great! I hope that sometime you all are able to come to the states for a visit to show the baby off!!! After he/she is born of course!

Don said...

Congratulations! That is very awesome and we are so excited for you! So if you are still in Japan when the baby is born, will the little one have dual citizenship?

Anyway, enjoy the time getting ready and don't let Zack use that excuse of, "I have to get on a boat" when he should be getting the house ready :)

Congrats again!

Anne said...

Tucker and Don: I still need your address to send you a little baby gift. Please please please e-mail me or Zack! :-)

erica said...

Wow, congratulations!! It's so exciting when people I know are about to have their first baby, especially couples who work so well together like you and Zack do.

Definitely a "yes" on the naps. Pregnant women need their naps! I'm glad you're basically feeling well-- take care of yourself, and definitely ask if you need any advice or help from someone who's a couple of steps ahead of you on the baby path. =)

Barb said...

Congratulations Anne and Zack. How exciting. I hope you don't get morning, afternoon or all day morning sickness.
Are you coming back to the states or will the baby be born there?
Barb Heller