Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween 08

Zack and I weren't actually home for Halloween this year (much to my dismay) but the Friday beforehand, the base held a trick or treating event. I agreed to take a TON of my students to this event and for 3 hours we walked around getting candy and doing the whole Halloween thing. There was even a little haunted house this year! Here are the highlights:

It's a classic, and the pumkin thing is still cute. :-)

I was so impressed by this little guy's costume. He was a lion (in case the stroller hides it) complete with claws and make up and everything. As is tradition with most small children, he was sound asleep by about the third stop on the trick or treating route. Mom and Dad had fun, though.

Some of the kids were difficult to identify when it came to costumes. Capes, witch hats, and crowns all mixed together. Whatever, right? It's still a costume.

Other kids were very creative. Here we have two of Rob's favorite students from his visit (they still try to do the magic tricks he showed them) as a rabbit and a cowboy (complete with lasso).

The younger of these two girls was all done up in a Chinese outfit (I think the pumpkins in her hair really make the outfit) and the older was one of the best witches I saw all night.

For the record, I dressed up too, but not in my usual princess costume (which didn't look likely to fit this year). Instead, I was a farmer or cowgirl, depending on who you ask, in my overalls (which just barely fit), a flannel shirt, and the cowboy hat Zack got in Australia. Sorry, I failed to take a picture of myself. Needless to say, a good time was had by all. The kids got candy, the parents got a quick tour of base, and then there was the fun of celebrating a holiday that is not a common part of the calendar here. I just liked watching them all take it in. I was glad I didn't miss Halloween entirely this year.

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