Saturday, November 15, 2008

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Hawaii notes...

It happens every time Zack is gone at bedtime, so I should be used to it by now, but I'm always surprised. If he's not actually home when it's time for me to go to bed, I unconciously find every possible excuse not to go to bed myself. It's completely stupid. Tonight, he's out celebrating with some other guys from the ship, and instead of coming home from teaching, eating my bedtime snack (which I've discovered is very important to a good night's sleep), and going to bed so I can wake up without being so grouchy tomorrow, I felt the need to check in with my learning team online. And when that didn't take very long, I started finding other things to do. So here I am blogging when I really should be going to bed. Honestly. I know why I'm doing it, and why I shouldn't, and I simply don't care. So here's the update.
I have been waiting to update the blog because I have a bunch of great pictures on my camera to post of our trip to Hawaii for my cousin's wedding. It was a really awesome vacation and we had a super time... and my computer got a virus so I can't upload them yet. The computer is with some very nice tech support people who are cleaning it off entirely, at which point I'll get it back and I can upload the pictures and make everyone jealous. So there's that to look forward to. In the mean time, I have only Zack's computer and so there will be no pictures in this post.
What I really wanted to blog about is the fact that my super cool friends here in Japan had a baby shower for me yesterday and it was really nice and very fun. I forgot to take pictures, which is unfortunate, but also a sign of just how much fun I really was having. I was having too much fun to stop and document the fun. There was excellent food (fruit salad and chocolate cake and cinamon buns... I mean everything was good). I got some really cute outfits for our girl as well as some great baby stuff that I'm confident we'll use until it (literally) falls apart, not to mention a really great diaper bag that was hand made for us! Everything really was just right. The best part, though, was just sitting and chatting with a small group of people for a few hours. It was fun to hear the baby stories from the other moms and nice to just relax for the morning. So thank you to all those wonderful ladies who came, and especially to Alex who threw the party. I had a great time!

1 comment:

erica said...

Sounds like the perfect baby shower-- I want to see that handmade diaper bag! Also, I can't wait to see your Hawaii pics. I know several people who have been to Hawaii in recent years, and all the photos I've seen make me quite jealous indeed. =)