Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cinco de Mayo with ILC

While Dad was here visiting, it was the American's turn to host an ILC event. So I saved up a bunch of milk and boldly left the house without the baby! It was quite a big step for everyone involved since I had never been away from her for more than half an hour and she had never taken more than one or two ounces of milk in a bottle. All in all, though, it was a successful experience.
The theme the Americans chose for this event was Cinco de Mayo. It turned out to be a really fun theme to run with. First, we had a marachi group from the high school come to perform with us. I didn't get video, but they sounded great!

We also had a giant pinata that the ladies took turns banging away at. It was really fun to watch them, and they're all so supportive, the cheers every time someone made contact were also a lot of fun to listen to. However, when it finally broke, I guess they missed the part about running up to get the candy, so there was more cheering, but no mad rush for candy. We passed it out in a far more orderly manner after the fact...

The food was, of course, Mexican, and I took this picture because I was amazed that anyone would try to eat a taco with chopsticks, but there they are (sorry they're a bit hard to see). The woman eating from this plate was in a lovely kimono and I shudder to think about what salsa would do to it if it dripped...

Finally, we got a dance instructor to come teach us some salsa, chacha and tango moves. It was highly entertaining to watch the lovely ladies strutting their stuff on the dance floor!

So we all had a really great time. When I got home, Ela and her grandpa were out walking doing some shopping on the Ginza. She had milk to spare, and it sounded like their day was just as fun. We'll both be ready next time we get a chance to have a babysitter.
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Mrs. said...

Way to go Grandpa!

erica said...

What a fun evening, and it sounds like b'feeding is going really well for you guys! There's nothing like having that store in the freezer to facilitate a bit of time away from the baby to feel like yourself again, though. =)

Unknown said...

She took a bottle? I am jealous!