Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Forgotten Baby

This year, I almost forgot about Dory's birthday (She's six now). It isn't the first time she's been ignored on her birthday. She's spent two of them in kennels for various reasons. So it's not like I throw a party every year, but I still felt kind of bad. The day after, I went out and got her a present. Luckily, she's a dog, so she really didn't care a bit.
All in all, Dory has adapted well to the changes in her life that have resulted from Ela. She's loved Ela from the moment she came home, so that was good. Of course, there's still some confusion for her. Mostly, this has to do with the fact that Dory believes she should lay in the softest available spot, or in a lap. So if I set down a blanket and leave it for a few minutes before trying to get tummy time in with Ela, this is the result:

Note the toy sitting there. That's Dory's too. She thinks that anyone on the floor should be playing with her. She can't figure out why we spend time on the floor not throwing balls for her. She also tries to play with Ela.

She drops her toys near Ela's arms and waits, not so patiently, for Ela to pick them up. Eventually, she'll give up and just chew them, as pictured above.
Naptime is good for both of them, though. Dory totally understands that:

And I still occasionally get a picture of my older daughter being cute all by herself:

So we're getting along pretty well. :-)
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1 comment:

Larissa said...

Ela totally looks like you in that last picture!!! Need more pictures of her!