Monday, July 13, 2009

Ela's First Meal

I tried to upload Ela's baptism several times, and each time got an error message in Japanese. I'm guessing it's too long. So we'll show you her first attempt with solids instead. Keep in mind that I was feeding her with one hand and taping with the other, Zack being at work.
Here it is!

More video to follow...


erica said...

Those faces are priceless-- you can tell she just keeps hoping it'll be something different on the spoon, because she looks excited until she gets it in her mouth! Kent's first food was sweet potatoes, right around 7 months, and he had similar reactions for the first few bites. =) What a cutie she is!!

Larissa said...

I love her! I want to squeeze her! I love her chubby-ness.