Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Traveling

Another weekend, another exciting place to visit. Ela and I joined my parents for a trip to Atlanta for my sister's birthday. Emily was happy to have us visit, since Ela hasn't seen her new house or enjoyed any of the many activities in the area before. We arrived Friday night in time to have a late pizza dinner and meet Emily's boyfriend.
On Saturday, we went to the Aquarium. Ela loved looking at all the fishies.

Her favorites were the little colorful ones, though she had a really nice conversation with several of the grouper, which were about the same size as her.

After a nice nap, Ela got to go to the park with her aunt, grandma and the doggies (Emily has two and we brought one). I didn't go on that adventure, but I'm told it was great fun. There were swings and a dinosaur. Minjee made Emily a really cool sushi cake (which is a cake with candy in the shape of sushi on top, not a cake made out of sushi). There are lots of pictures of it somewhere, just not on my camera. :-/ Ela found that tasty and delicious. At bedtime, she got to try out her aunt's super cool bath.

Needless to say, she had a great time. On Sunday, we took another little walk, and Ela got in a little last minute play with the dogs before hopping back in the car. She decided that Dory needed a little stroll.

It was a short but fun visit. I hope we get another chance to head that way soon.
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1 comment:

Larissa said...

I love your cutie. I love that aquarium, too, if it is the big one that is.