Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Play

Over the weekend, we took a little trip to Wintergreen Ski Resort in Virginia. Mom and Dad rented a condo for the weekend, and on Saturday we all enjoyed the "winter activities" of our choice. My sister, her boyfriend, and Mom skiied, Dad read and watched Basketball, Ela took a 3 hour nap, and I got a prenatal massage. :-) Saturday night, Zack joined us, and made a great fire in the wood burning fireplace at the condo.
On Sunday, the younger guys headed back to the slopes, and the rest of us took Ela to the kiddie play area to let her try out the snow. We couldn't talk her into wearing mittens, but we got her all decked out other than that. She dove right in, enjoying walking in her snow boots.
Ela's Grandpa warmed her up to the idea of sledding with a little ride around the flat areas.

Then Minjee took her on the mini tubing slope.

She said "weee" as she went down, but they had a little wipe out at the base (running into another tube and trying to get up), so that was the end of that.
Ela also went through some of the play equipment with some help from her Grandma.

But her favorite part by far was the "Winter Carousel", which pulled kids around in circles on the tubes.

We spent about 45 minutes out playing with the snow before calling it a day. It was a lot of fun to see Ela actually enjoy the snow this year, as opposed to last year, when she rejected it as too cold and hard to walk on.
The skiiers all had a good time on the slopes, and nobody got hurt. In the evenings, we played cards and enjoyed meals in the condo. Over all, it was a very successful trip.
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1 comment:

Mrs. said...

sounds great. the winter carousel is brilliant!